Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The best part of our performance according to the judges was :I think the judges like our structure cause we are one of the only ones that held weight.

The best part of our performance according to me was :The Weighing

Or weakest score was: The commercial.

I think we could have improved the most with:the Commercial

Here are some things I learned from the experience:That we need to work on the commercial and the structure

Something I would do differently next time would be:What I would do different is I would try to be more creative and practice our commercial.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Science 1/17/13

      What happened when you put vinegar and baking soda tougher. There was a chemical reaction that just went a little bit over the cup that is was poured.

I just learned that CO3 is heavier then air because the gas  (no liquid or bubbles) of baking soda and vinegar just blew out a candle.

Can just regular air blew out a candle like the gas did.